What is the role of the NCAA Clearinghouse in the recruiting process?

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    • #4885
      Kelley Green

      I just returned from a field hockey camp and the coaches in attendance were talking about the NCAA Clearinghouse. What is this and do I need to sign up for it? Please help my daughter and me. Thank you.

    • #4886

      Great question. And, yes it is confusing if you are just learning about this for the first time.

      The NCAA Clearinghouse, now known as the NCAA Eligibility Center, plays a crucial role in the college recruiting process. It is responsible for determining the eligibility of student-athletes to play at NCAA Division I and II levels. The Eligibility Center verifies the academic credentials and amateur status of student-athletes to ensure they meet the NCAA’s initial-eligibility standards.

      Student-athletes must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center, where they will need to submit academic records (such as transcripts) and complete an amateurism questionnaire. It’s important to note that being accepted to a college or university does not automatically make a student-athlete eligible to play; they must also meet the NCAA’s eligibility requirements.

      Keep in mind however, that the responsibility to ensure eligibility and compliance with NCAA rules lies primarily with the student-athlete, not the college coach, school counselor, or high school/club coach.

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