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Written By: The College Recruiting Playbook

Incoming Senior June. Navigating the Path to College Sports: A Senior Athlete’s Guide

Congratulations! You’ve made it through junior year and now it’s time to fully focus on your senior year. This summer is incredibly important for your athletic and academic career, and it’s crucial to make the most of it. In this blog post, we will go over the top tasks and priorities you should focus on during the month of June as a student-athlete.

Sleep, But Not Too Much
Sleep may be more important than you realize, but this summer you may have a hard time finding time to do so. With a busy summer schedule ahead, it’s essential to maintain good health and energy levels. Make sure to prioritize getting enough sleep each night. This will help you stay alert and motivated throughout the day.

Manage The Recruiting Process
This summer is your last chance to get in front of college coaches before you start applying to colleges. Take advantage of any free time you have by managing your athletic portfolio and reaching out to coaches. Consider attending showcases and camps to showcase your skills and get noticed by potential recruiters.

Stay Focused On Applications, Sports and Your Summer Job
As a student-athlete, it’s important to stay motivated and disciplined during the summer season. Make sure to balance your sport, summer job, and other commitments while maintaining your focus on your athletic goals. Keep your performance on track by working out regularly and practicing your sport.

Choose Recruiting Events Wisely
While it’s important to attend recruiting events to get noticed, it’s also crucial to be strategic in your approach. Keep in mind that many colleges have already selected their incoming freshman for your graduating year, so choose events that target schools that are still recruiting and show interest in you. Ask coaches beforehand if they will attend the event and if they are actively recruiting you. Do not be shy to ask these important questions. They will save you a lot of time, energy, worry and money. Lastly, do your best to attend events that coincide with college campus visits. This is a great way to take a week to participate in a showcase and see many college campuses in one fell swoop.

As a high school student-athlete, your summer months are crucial for your athletic and academic future. By following the tips in this blog post, you can make the most of your time and stay on track for a successful senior year. Remember to prioritize rest, manage your recruiting process, stay focused on your sport and commitments, and choose showcase events wisely. With these strategies in place, you can position yourself for success and make your senior year one to remember.