Junior January & February. Navigating the Path to College Sports: A Junior Athlete’s Guide

Happy New Year to all Junior high school student-athletes! As we embark on a new year, it’s essential to make and commit to recruiting resolutions. The month of January and February is a crucial time for you, as you are more than halfway through high school, and every week counts toward your academic and athletic goals. In this blog post, we will provide you with a task list that will guide you through these two months. From setting recruiting resolutions to comparing your list of favorite schools, you will be able to take charge of your recruiting process. So, buckle up and let’s get started!

Commit to Recruiting Resolutions
As a student-athlete, it’s essential to set realistic recruiting resolutions that focus on your academic and athletic goals. Begin by assessing your progress and updating your recruiting profile. This includes your athletic achievements, academic progress, and videos of your highlights. Furthermore, create a schedule that outlines your goals and deadlines. Whether you plan to attend camps, showcases, or tournaments, ensure that you dedicate time to training and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Understand the Financial Aid Process
The financial aid process can be daunting, but it’s a crucial aspect of the recruiting process. Therefore, in January and February, familiarize yourself with financial aid terminology and processes. Reach out to your guidance counselor or the financial aid office for more information. Additionally, start researching scholarships, grants, and loans to find the best fit for you.

Gauge Your Talent Level & Get A Third-Party Evaluation
It’s essential to be honest with yourself regarding your talent level and play within yourself. Compare your skill level with college team rosters or other players on your high school team. The best way to conduct this part of your journey is to get a third-party and unbiased evaluation. Ask The College Recruiting Playbook Experts for a recommendation. We will either provide one for you or recommend someone who will. This will help you determine your college recruiting options and find the best fit for you. Don’t under or overshoot your abilities, as this can lead to missed opportunities.

Compare Your List of Favorite Schools
As a student-athlete, you have certain criteria that will guide your college selection process. In January and February, it’s time to compare and contrast your list of favorite schools. Determine which schools meet your academic and athletic goals, and fit within your financial aid budget. If you plan to apply early, consult your guidance counselor to ensure that you are on the proper path. Remember that this is your journey, so take control and remain proactive.

Stay Organized and Proactive
Finally, as a student-athlete, staying organized and proactive will benefit you in the long run. Ensure that you keep track of your recruiting progress, schedules, and deadlines. Create a system that works for you, be it a planner or a Google calendar. Additionally, reach out to college coaches, express interest, and ask relevant questions. This will help you stand out among other players and increase your chances of getting recruited.

As we wrap up this blog post, we hope that you found these January and February task lists helpful. Remember that your recruiting process is a journey that requires commitment, hard work, and dedication. Stay focused on your goals, remain proactive, and stay organized. And most importantly, don’t forget to have fun and enjoy the ride! Finish this second half of the academic year strong!