Senior May. Navigating the Path to College Sports: A Senior Athlete’s Guide

Congratulations! You have made it through four years of dedication, hard work, and sacrifices. You are now in the final stretch of your high school journey, and the month of May is a crucial time for your college recruiting process. Some of you may be reading this post as a high school gratute – how cool! Regardless, you need to complete several tasks this month to ensure that you are on track to your dream college. But do not worry; we have got your back. In this blog post, we will provide you with a checklist of the essential tasks you need to complete this May. Let us dive in!

Announce Your College Decision:
It is an exciting time to let everyone in your network and community know where you are attending college in the fall. You have worked tirelessly to get here, and it is time to celebrate your achievement. Announce on social media or send an e-mail to your friends and family. Also, do not forget to let your high school coach and guidance counselor know about your decision. They have supported you throughout your journey, and they deserve to be included in your celebration. 

Complete the College Decision Survey:
If applicable, complete the College Decision Survey. It is a selfless act that helps future student-athletes in their college recruiting process. By sharing your college decision, you help college coaches know which athletes to remove from their recruiting list and which ones to keep on their radar. Do not overlook the potential impact of your decision on future student-athletes, so complete the survey as soon as possible.

Thank Your Support Network:
Your support network has played a fundamental role in your college recruiting process. Your parents, siblings, friends, coaches, and guidance counselors have provided you with guidance, mentorship, and emotional support throughout. Take the time to thank them in a personal and meaningful way. Write them a letter expressing your gratitude for their unwavering support. They will appreciate the gesture, and you will feel good about showing your appreciation. To expand on this topic, if you truly want to stand out, send along a hand-written and personal letter, note or card. Heck, throw in a Starbucks gift card (or similar) to show your appreciation. Trust us, they will all appreciate the gesture and sentimient. Moreoever, it’s not a bad time to practice the act of how to be a grateful and generous person (for the rest of your life). So, we encourage you to start now and never forget to personally ackowledge (especially those who help and support) your support system. Emails and texts are really easy to write, but a hand written note, well, that will stand out more than you will ever know. Sit down and write them.

Train and Stay Active:
The college recruiting process does not end when you make your college decision. You need to be in top shape when you arrive on campus in the fall. So, do not ditch your training routine just yet. If anything, you need to double down on your training. In a few months you will play and competing against some of the best talent in the country, so be prepared. May is also a time when many high schools have their state championships. If your team is still competing, give it your all and finish strong. College coaches love athletes who are competitive and driven.

Prepare for the Transition:
You are about to embark on a new chapter of your life. It is an exciting time, but it can also be overwhelming. You need to prepare mentally and emotionally for the transition from high school to college. Reach out to your future teammates or college seniors and ask them about their experiences. Attend orientation sessions and familiarize yourself with the campus. Also, make sure you have all the necessary paperwork and documentation ready for enrolling in college.

May is a critical month for high school senior student-athletes. You need to complete several tasks to ensure that you are ready for your dream college in the fall. In this blog post, we outlined the essential tasks you need to complete, including announcing your college decision, completing the College Decision Survey, thanking your support network, training and staying active, and preparing for the transition. Remember that you are not alone in this journey. Reach out to your support network and use the resources available to you. You got this!