Video Evaluation Registration And Next Steps

Video Evaluation Timeline and Process

Step One

After you register you will receive an email with the following instructions and information:

  • How your videos should be captured.
  • Note: If you already have video that fits the description of how Coach would like to view it, then there is no reason to create additional videos. The choice is yours.
  • Instructions on how to submit your video(s).
  • The expected turnaround time for your video to be evaluated, but expect a one week* turnaround for your video to be reviewed and analyzed.
  • *Depends on the current volume of evaluation requests.

After you share your video with Coach Goodwin, College Recruiting Experts will write you an email to confirm receipt. Within that email you will receive additional information, depending upon the Evaluation Package you purchased:

  • Your written evaluation (if you purchased the Written Evaluation option).
  • A calendar link for you to select and arrange a convenient date / time to schedule a remote video session with Coach Goodwin (if you purchased a Video Evaluation option).
  • An email with your written evaluation and also, a calendar link for you to select and arrange a convenient date / time to schedule a remote video session with Coach Goodwin (if you purchased a Written and Video Evaluation option).

Step Two

Step Three

Depending on the Evaluation Package your purchased:

  • Written Evaluation. You will receive an evaluation from Coach Goodwin what provides you with information about your current ability, your projected ability and action steps on how Coach believes you may improve. Also, Coach will share his personal recommendation regarding the caliber of programs and schools that may be best for you and your playing ability. If you have questions you may email him to follow up.
  • Virtual Evaluation. Once you and Coach Goodwin schedule a date and time to communicate one-on-one via a virtual call (ie: ZOOM, GoogleMeet, or Zoho), Coach will share his screen while he reviews your video together with you during the meeting. Coach will answer your questions about his analysis and in return, Coach will also share the same insight as he would in the Written Evaluation.
  • Written and Virtual Evaluation: Per the above information, you and Coach Goodwin will schedule a date and time to conduct a virtual meeting. Also, she will share her written evaluation with you to keep and reference.

Order Your Personal Evaluation

The Importance Of An Evaluation

The Positive Aspects Of Obtaining A Softball Evaluation and Analysis

Objective Assessment

An independent, unbiased evaluation provides an objective analysis of your athletic skills and performance, offering a clear and accurate snapshot of your abilities.

College Suitability

Helps you, as a prospective student-athlete, identify colleges, softball programs and softball coaches that align with your skill level and potential, ensuring you invest time and effort in pursuing opportunities that are a good fit.

Time and Cost Savings

By focusing on the right opportunities, you  can save time, money, and energy that might otherwise be spent on pursuing colleges and programs that may not be the best match for you or your playing ability.

Strategic College Applications

Armed with a realistic assessment, you can strategically target colleges where you are more likely to make a positive impact, enhancing the chances of being recruited and admitted.

Improved Communication

You will receive a better understanding of your skills, thus allowing you to understand and communicate effectively with college coaches, showcasing your strengths and demonstrating how you will contribute to the team.

Confidence Boost

An evaluation serves as positive feedback that will reinforces your confidence, motivating you to strive for excellence and providing a foundation for your athletic and academic aspirations. It’s always better to know your personal goals that you are aiming for and how you will achieve those goals, as opposed to navigating the college recruiting process blindly and without a realistic compass.

There Is No Downside, But There Are Some Things To Understand

Potential Disappointment

A personal and candid evaluation may reveal areas for improvement, which could be initially discouraging. However, this information is crucial for your growth and development, especially when your ultimate goal is to play college baseball.

Investment Considerations

Some student-athletes and their families might view the cost of an independent evaluation as an additional expense, however it is probably the best investment you can make. The evaluation provides you with direction and focus. We encourage you to emphasize the long-term benefits and potential cost savings that will help address this concern.

Managing Expectations

It’s one of the most important things in life and especially, throughout the college recruiting process: managing expectations. During this journey, its vital that you manage proper expectations, ensuring that your evaluation is seen as a valuable tool for improvement rather than a guaranteed path to immediate recruitment.

Balancing Academics and Athletics

While the focus is on athletic skills, it’s crucial to remind yourself of the importance of maintaining a balance between academics and sports for successful college applications. We will help you understand this since one of the first, hardest, but most important question we ask any college baseball prospect, and you should ask yourself: subtract softball from the equation. Could you still see yourself thriving at this college or university?