Video Evaluations: The High School Student-Athlete’s Journey to Finding the Right Fit. Let The College Recruiting Playbook Experts Be Your Guide

Embarking on the journey to college is like stepping onto a vast playing field—each step counts, and the choices you make shape the game. As you lace up your cleats or athletic shoes, The College Recruiting Playbook Experts are here to be your guide, offering insights and candid evaluations on how to navigate the path to finding the best fit.

Freshman Year: Laying the Foundation
In your freshman year, take on the challenge of AP classes to acclimate to academic rigor. High academic institutions often appreciate a robust transcript, so aim for 6 or 7 AP classes by graduation. Beyond academics, becoming a school citizen through extracurricular activities adds to your appeal as a well-rounded prospective student.

Rising Sophomore: Enjoy the Summer, Sharpen Your Skills
Summer after your freshman year is a time to recharge. Dive into your passion, whether it’s baseball, Lacrosse or any other sport. If you are considering attending showcases or specific college camps, evaluate your physical readiness. For those more mature, a showcase might be beneficial. For others, a video evaluation can help to guide your decision.

Rising Junior: Making Moves
Create a video and send it to us (The College Recruiting Playbook Experts) for evaluation. Our experts will guide you on potential levels that match your skills. Moreover, receiving a candid and independent evaluation will most likely save you time, energy and money. This is your journey, not ours, however we will be overly honest with our evaluation in order to help you narrow down the colleges and NCAA divisions (I, II, II) you may want to focus on during the recruiting process.

This is an important summer, so you will want to attend a few showcases and college camps, strategically chosen with our assistance. Send your video to schools of interest, increasing your visibility to college coaches. There is very little reason to spend your valuable time communicating with college coaches who do not believe you have the skills to play at their institutions. While this is a hard pill to swallow, it may (we say ‘may’ because nobody truly knows the future your athleticism has in store for you and your journey) be the reality. In the end, reality provides you with a tremendous advantage, since you can focus all of your communication and efforts towards the college coaches who are interested in recruiting you, not towards the ones that you hope will recruit you. Hope is not a strategy for the college recruiting process.

Rising Senior: Final Preparations
Before the summer, create another video showcasing your progress for another evaluation. With our analysis, you will be able to fine-tune your college choices. This is the year you want to plan to attend a few showcases and up to two college camps during the summertime, since this is a critical period for college recruiting.

Tips for the Journey:

  • Keep your videos simple, including metrics like exit velocity and pitching speed.
  • Tailor your video content to your specific position with our guidance.
  • Maintain academic challenges throughout high school.
  • Focus on enhancing your physical abilities; we’re here to assist.
  • Embrace a clean diet, considering supplements and meal timing.
  • Enter showcases and camps in peak physical condition.
  • Send videos to recruiting coordinators and head coaches, engaging with schools of interest.
  • Remember, this journey is a team effort, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.
  • Play hard, study smart, and let’s find your perfect fit together.